Private Cloud - Tennis Motion Desktop eine Software Tennis Trainer, Vereine, Spieler sowie Verbände

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Integrated Private Cloud

Your Private Cloud allows you to run your own private Cloud Storage and sync Solution for your Players, Students, Clubs and other Coaches.

It offers the same Features and Advantages of Public Cloud Services such as access from any Device, sync and easy sharing.

Importantly, your Private Cloud doesn't have Drawbacks of Public Cloud such as lack of Control over Data, and Vendor lock-in.

You or your Players/Students/Clubs can access all Video and related Files on your computer from a Web Browser, Smartphone, Tablet or even DLNA enabled devices.

Basic Features

  • Secured file access from anywhere
  • Sync files across computers
  • Mobile apps
  • Share file as a link
  • Access remote files as drive 

Share Videos and related Files

Private Cloud allows you to share any file or folder with custom permissions.
A file or folder can be shared with

  • A regular Private Cloud User
  • The shared file will show up in their “Shared with Me” folder
  • A guest user with authentication
  • Shared via a password protected link
  • General public (No authentication required)
  • Shared via a link

How to access

Your Players, Students, Clubs or Coaches can use any PC, Laptop, Smartphone Device open the Browser,
enter your URL like

Enter their Username and Password.

They see then their shared Folder with all related Videos and Files.

They can then watch or download their Videos or other Files.

Please help me to build up my own Private Cloud

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